Could This Year Be The One?

Anyone who follows my blog or my Facebook page, knows that I can grow flowers. I am a dedicated gardener. I prune my roses daily. I water my petunias daily. I dug up all of my dahlias last fall and I'm ready to put them in again come April or May.

But, herbs are a different matter. Since 1996 I have been trying to grow basil. Every year I kill it. And, it isn't just limited to basil. Oh, no. I do not discriminate between herbs. I have also killed rosemary, thyme, and parsley -- just to name a few. I have tried to grow them from seed. I have bought beautiful, fully leafed-out plants. I have killed them, too.

I cannot keep any of them alive.

Here is this year's attempt - rosemary and thyme, sitting in the sun of our back porch. Tonight I moved them to the front porch to catch the morning sun before I am up. Fingers crossed that something will be different this year!


  1. My experience is that plant success varies by human and setting. Mom can grow cyclamen, AVs, and orchids. I can grow AVs and amaryllis but not cyclamen, orchids or succulents. Marietta is experimenting now and is doing well with orchids and AVs but her cyclamen and begonia are dying. Don't take it personally. When I lived with Thane in Silver Spring, everything died but the cat.


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