A couple of years ago, when I was blogging more regularly, I had a weekly series called, "This Week in the Garden." I think that it was mostly entertaining for me, but a few of my friends and readers commented that they enjoyed it. So, in that vein, I offer this blog post. I call this a protest post, because I don't actually have time for blogging this weekend, but I'm feeling a bit resistant to my workload, so a blog post it is. As it turns out, week 12 of the semester has never been so alive in the garden. I'll start with the example of the turtles. Anyone who follows me on Facebook or who just talks to us in summers knows about the wonders of the Mama turtles who climb out of the Powwow River, make their way to our rose garden, and lay eggs. Last summer we had five nests and we knew roughly where they were in the garden. In truth, we thought we had four, but then in September, baby turtles started climbing out of the ground in a nest that had been comple...